
Common Swimming Injuries – Minimising Your Risk


With the weather warming up and public pools starting to re-open, many Sydneysiders will be looking forward to jumping back in the water. Swimming is a fantastic form of exercise, but it is not uncommon to experience injuries such as swimmer’s shoulder, breaststrokers’ knee and neck and back pain. In this blog post, Orthosports Physiotherapy will be sharing some helpful tips to reduce your risk of experiencing a swimming injury this summer.


What are the most common swimming related injuries?

Physiotherapists regularly treat the following conditions amongst swimmers:

  • Swimmers Shoulder – this is a broad term used to describe various shoulder injuries. Impingement syndrome is the most common, with compression of the rotator cuff muscles and tendons leading to irritation. The pain can make it difficult to lift your arm during the swimming stroke. 
  • Breaststrokers Knee – this condition is common amongst those who swim breaststroke, due to the ‘frog kick’ and ‘whipping’ movements necessary for momentum. If you have any issues with your kneecap, we recommend seeking advice before starting swimming as breaststroke will often provoke a pre-existing kneecap issue.
  • Neck and back pain – the neck and back are used extensively, particularly with breaststroke and butterfly. These swimming styles can affect the spine, which can potentially result in back or neck pain. Older people who suffer from arthritis can also experience neck pain if they do not use the correct breathing patterns. For example, lifting the head too high places a heavy load on the neck and may result in pain. Often a swimmer’s snorkel will be recommended to assist in protecting the neck.


Tips for Avoiding Injury and How Physio Can Help

The team at Orthosports Physiotherapy regularly treat swimming injuries. After an initial consultation, your physiotherapist can provide you with a list of exercises and strategies which will assist in minimising the risk of experiencing injury. 

Some improvements to your swimming style and routine which will minimise the risk of injury include:

  • Bilateral breathing
  • Developing your core musculature through various exercises
  • Addressing poor swimming techniques
  • Alternating strokes during training
  • Neck and low back flexibility exercises
  • Allowing sufficient time to rest and recover


Suffering From Swimming Injury? Book an Appointment at Orthosports Physio Today

Call now on 9744 2201 to book an appointment at our Concord physio clinic.