Making a Safe Return to Sport after Injury
Experiencing an injury can take a toll on your mental health and also cause a knock to your confidence. Whilst making a return to sport can be challenging, it is important to remember your reasons for participating. Sport brings a sense of accomplishment and community which nurtures strong mental resilience whilst also improving your physical performance. Once you’ve recovered from your injury, it can take time to regain a positive mindset and perform at your peak – but the rewards are well worth it. At Orthosports, we are passionate about helping clients make a safe return to their chosen sport. Here are our top tips for regaining your confidence and abilities, without increasing the risk of injury or exacerbating your existing injury.
Your Physiotherapist is Your Best Support
Physiotherapists have extensive experience in diagnosing and treating sports injuries. With a tailored rehabilitation program in place, you can look forward to a successful recovery and safe return to your chosen sport. Your physiotherapist understands your unique needs, so don’t hesitate to consult them for guidance and support.
Ease Back into Your Routine
After suffering an injury, you will need to allow time to regain your physical abilities. Don’t be tempted to jump back into your usual routine, as this could exacerbate your injury and extend your recovery time. It is best to start slow and steady, giving your body time to adjust to the increased demand and regain strength. Over time, you can increase the intensity and duration of your sessions.
Watch Your Technique
Technique is an important consideration within many sports, particularly high impact ones such as football or basketball. Improper technique is a leading cause of severe injuries, so it’s worth taking the time to focus on your technique. Your physiotherapist can show you a range of exercises which will help to improve your form and reduce the risk of injury.
Remain Positive
Try to maintain a positive mindset and celebrate the progress you make each day. Whether it’s something as simple as increasing your range of motion or completing a warm up routine without pain, these small victories are a reminder that you are improving with every passing day. Provided you follow your rehabilitation plan and a few basic precautions, you can look forward to returning to sport with confidence and at peak physical ability.
Take Frequent Breaks
Listen to your body, and take some time out when necessary. Breaks are an essential part of rehabilitation. Going too hard, too fast can result in exhaustion and significantly increase your risk of re-injury. The recovery period should not be rushed, and if you need to take a day off this is OK.
Address Underlying Issues
In many cases, underlying issues are a contributing factor to injury. Some of the more common underlying issues include weak muscles and poor flexibility, both of which can easily be resolved with physiotherapy treatment. We can show you a range of exercises which will help to strengthen muscles and improve flexibility, helping to prevent future injuries and enhance your sporting performance.
Orthosports Physio – Here to Support You
As a leading Sydney sports physio, the team at Orthosports can help you make a safe and successful return to your favourite sport. Injuries can be debilitating both mentally and physically; but with patience, commitment and support from your physiotherapist you can look forward to making a full recovery.
If you’ve recently suffered a sports injury, please don’t hesitate to book an appointment today.