
Tennis Elbow – How Physio can Help


Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis) is a painful condition. Whilst the name implies a connection to tennis, the majority of cases occur in people with no involvement in…

Physiotherapy for Workplace Injuries


With around one third of our lives spent at work, it should come as no surprise that workplace injuries are not exactly uncommon. Throughout the 2019-20 financial…

Physio for Neck Pain


Neck pain is a common experience amongst Australians, with around 50% of people experiencing it during their lifetime. Neck pain can affect people of all ages, and…

Common Swimming Injuries – Minimising Your Risk


With the weather warming up and public pools starting to re-open, many Sydneysiders will be looking forward to jumping back in the water. Swimming is a fantastic…

Physio for Runners Knee


Pain which occurs around the front of the knee cap (patella) is an indicator that you may be experiencing ‘Runners Knee’. The name for this diagnosis may…

Shoulder Pain – What can I do about it?


Those who experience shoulder pain often find that it gets in the way of doing everyday tasks, such as hanging laundry on the line, putting on a…